Transitions in Reality

A solo exhibition by Claire Elsworth

Claire Elsworth is self-taught artist and picture framer who will be exhibiting her work at Jing Jo Gallery (in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley) from January 6 to February 28, 2016. The exhibition is called “Transitions in Reality”.

“I love painting so much – it’s my life,” Claire said. “Every painting evolves from a combination of where I’m at inside myself, what I see and how I see it. Every painting becomes a world in itself – each painting is different in style. Feeling is my medium – feeling and imagination creates a unique reality which becomes the painting.

I paint recognisable real subjects and also abstracts. My real love and freedom of expression comes from the abstract.

I’ve had difficult issues to deal with inside myself and am slowly emerging from a social phobia and depression, which has dominated my life from the age of seven years old. This has caused me to eparate myself from people in general.

Now I want to ‘come out’ and make myself part of the world I live in. This exhibition is part of that emergence.”